7 Best Practices to Boost Landing Page Conversion Rate in 2023!

7 Best Practices to Boost Landing Page Conversion Rate in 2023 blog cover

7 Best Practices to Boost Landing Page Conversion Rate in 2023!

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7 Best Practices to Boost Landing Page Conversion Rate in 2023 blog cover


Building a high-converting landing page has never been more important in maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and drive sales. Once you’ve spend the dollars on online ads to drive traffic to your website, building specific landing pages for different products, services and audiences will help you close the sales loop and secure the customers take the desired action, from making a purchase to registering online. There are many tools and platforms available online that are loaded with predesigned landing page templates, however templates don’t guarantee a high conversion rate — something you want out of your landing pages. This is precisely why we’ve put together a list of best practices to help optimize the design and content of your landing pages. Hopefully it can help you establish a solid foundation for your upcoming online marketing campaigns and boost customer conversion.

1. Ensure consistency throughout the buyer journey

The promises made in the advertisements should match what you deliver on the landing pages. It becomes easier for customers to convert if the landing page matches their expectations. We suggest you use Dynamic Text Replacement in case you run multiple ad variants.

2. Implement directional cues for intuitive navigation 

Directional cues in the form of visual indicators can help make the landing page more intuitive. Cues like arrows or pointers can help push the visitors to scroll down and read through the landing page copy. Directional cues can even help prospects identify call-to-action buttons.

3. Remove distractions (carefully) 

Stay focused. You want the prospects to stay on the landing page, consume the content, and convert. Adding unnecessary distractions like external links, too many CTA buttons, site navigation, or internal links will only prove counterproductive. Treat the landing page as an element that functions alone.

4. Include social proof for validation

Word-of-mouth is the most powerful form of marketing available today. Prospects want to know what your existing customers have to say about your brand. Therefore, add social proof, preferably videos, without fail. Couple the testimonials and reviews with personal details of the satisfied customers to reflect authenticity.

5. Nail the landing page copy

Prioritize simplicity, clarity, and straightforwardness when drafting landing page copy. Make the landing page more readable and scannable, which is only possible if you keep things short. Add more bulleted lists, shorten the paragraphs, and always lead with value. Moreover, your landing page headline and supporting copy should be enough for prospects to tell the problem you intend to solve.

6. Design mobile-friendly landing pages

Your landing pages need to load fast. More importantly, the landing pages should be designed to run perfectly on mobile devices, especially smartphones. You will have to design the landing page taking the small screens and limited interactivity into consideration. To allow prospects to access the landing page on the go, you should design mobile-responsive landing pages that can easily change layouts according to screen size.

7. Test and learn!

Lastly, you have got to A/B test the elements used in the landing page. Elements like background color, headline, CTA copy and placement, color and contrast, and others can be tested to check their impact on conversion rate. We highly recommend you test the elements to make strategic and informed landing page design choices.

Are your landing pages conversion-friendly?

Knowing the answer to this question will help you increase conversions by optimizing critical customer touchpoints. To build a high-converting landing page, we suggest you begin by ensuring all the essentials. Double down on creating a simple yet engaging landing page. Once you do that, start implementing the landing page best practices we discussed above. Lastly, make sure you design the landing page more for the customers and less for your brand. In other words, use the landing page to make your potential buyers’ lives easier. Need help to create high-converting landing pages? We’re here to help.

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